Resting after his performance on Sunday in fallen maple leaves is Max, the herd leader, secure in the knowledge that thanks to you there is food in the larder and hay in the barn.
The Reserve (near Kingston, Canada) began in 2005 when Don Murphy and Wendy Workman rescued over 100 non-native deer from slaughter, helped by dedicated volunteers and donors. Does and fawns were moved to Quebec in 2006. Eight surviving bucks now live in this permanent, well-fenced reserve, respected and cared for by Allan Park, Jane McDonald and volunteers. We do not buy, sell or breed animals. A registered charity. All photos by Jane McDonald unless otherwise noted.
An invitation for you and your deerest
to the Open House at the new site
(Call 613-386-3673 for directions)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
from 1-4 pm
Tour, hike, talk or walk.
Deer will be fed at about 3pm.
Children are very welcome.
Bring apples and/or carrots for the deer,
and cookies for everyone else.
We’ll provide lemonade & soft drinks.
Rain or shine.