The Reserve (near Kingston, Canada) began in 2005 when Don Murphy and Wendy Workman rescued over 100 non-native deer from slaughter, helped by dedicated volunteers and donors. Does and fawns were moved to Quebec in 2006. Eight surviving bucks now live in this permanent, well-fenced reserve, respected and cared for by Allan Park, Jane McDonald and volunteers. We do not buy, sell or breed animals. A registered charity. All photos by Jane McDonald unless otherwise noted.
On Sunday, August 24, KoKo got a return visit from one of his biggest fans, MK. She first met KoKo last year when she was 4 years old and hasn't forgotten him, often reminding her Pappy about him and wondering how he might feel if someone laughed at him for being different than the rest of the herd. MK also helped feed the deer apples and corn, pumped water for them and was named "volunteer of the day".
Brenda and Jim Linton from Toronto were visitors recently. Here are two of my favourite photos taken by Jim, featuring the one and only Buddy. Buddy is keen to watch people at work and likes all things mechanical from cameras to backhoes.
Happy to report our barn is full of hay thanks to the hard work and generosity of Emerald Murphy, Bruce Burt, Don Murphy, Allan Park and Jane McDonald. In between rain storms, we managed to cut, bale and store about 360 square bales which are safely housed in the barn. We left the barn doors open shortly after the second batch of hay arrived, and when we went to close the doors we found George indulging in the fresh, sweet hay. Normal deer are not supposed to like being indoors, but George didn't seem to have a problem...what's new?
On Friday afternoon, August 8, 2008 the Bogert family visited the Reserve to commune with their adopted deer: EGee, Spike and Bash. This family (three generations) continues to support the work of the Reserve and in return, the deer decided to give them the cast 2008 antlers of EGee and Spike. It was the first visit of Tasha to her four-legged adoptee, and she is convinced that her Bash is the most handsome of the herd. All agree that EGee is definitely one of the most friendly and he was happy to accept apples and carrots from Paige, Holly, Georgia and Cody. Spike is still a bit cautious about accepting food from human beings, but Cody had a good throw and made sure Spike got his share.
Many thanks to all the members of this generous family!