The Reserve (near Kingston, Canada) began in 2005 when Don Murphy and Wendy Workman rescued over 100 non-native deer from slaughter, helped by dedicated volunteers and donors. Does and fawns were moved to Quebec in 2006. Eight surviving bucks now live in this permanent, well-fenced reserve, respected and cared for by Allan Park, Jane McDonald and volunteers. We do not buy, sell or breed animals. A registered charity. All photos by Jane McDonald unless otherwise noted.
Winter mornings -- cold temperatures and lots of snow... this is the pattern of this month at the Reserve. Fortunately we have a dedicated deer keeper in Allan Park who shows up every morning at daybreak to check on the bucks, make sure their water is ice-free, feed them hay, and make sure no animal is missing or injured. Each animal gets plenty of fresh hay because it is spread out and available to all.
In the lower picture you can see KoKo enjoying the mineral lick that provides the bucks with essential vitamins and minerals and the blue salt lick is in the foreground.
The biggest natural hazard seems to be ice. Gulliver was limping earlier this week probably from a fall but in a day or two he was back to normal.