Friday, January 19, 2007

Did you hear the good news?

The purchase of the new site of the Fallow Deer Reserve was completed on January 17, 2007.

Max was happy to hear the news and to get a sneak preview (via photo) of the herd's new home. Our 13 bucks will take up permanent residence here in June, after a 10+ acre fence is installed and as soon as each has lost his antlers and before velveting begins. The colder weather has the herd eating hay now in addition to apples, corn and carrots. Recently we tried them on pumpkin which some of them enjoyed, too.

There is much planning and work to be done but we are happy to report that this major hurdle has been crossed and duly celebrated by the deerkeepers!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Grass is green and calendars are on the way

Happy 2007 everyone. We are happy to report that the bucks are still grazing on the green grass that continues to appear in the wet areas of the reserve. And they are all putting on weight which is unusual for wintertime. So far, they aren't that interested in hay but, of course, continue to love the corn, apples and carrots that they get every few days.

Deerkeepers are busy with plans for the fencing on the new site in the Wilton area which will provide the bucks with natural shelter, pasture and quiet.

If you have ordered a calendar, rest assured we just got notice that they have been shipped and should be here this week. Sorry for the delay.