Thursday, July 26, 2007

July update and thanks

Thanks to Don Murphy, we have a wonderful new gate that has allowed us to start work on the barn and that opens wide to allow tractor-drawn hay wagons easy entry to the enclosure.
With design, coordination and labour from Terry Thomson and Sam Bush, we have built a lean-to on the south side of the barn which will provide the bucks with warm shelter from winter winds, ice storms, etc. We were able to use lumber and plywood salvaged from the old reserve by Don in addition to the lumber that was stored in the new Reserve's barn. Also helping in this project are Adam Strauss and Drew Sauve.
Emerald Murphy has donated 250 bales of this year's hay which is now stacked in our loft thanks to help from Murph and Don. On Monday, July 23, Bruce Burt, our 90 year old volunteer, drove his tractor (purchased in 1949) and a load of 113 bales from his farm to the reserve about 4km. We are happy to report that both the tractor and he made the trip and the descent down the Florida Road hill without incident. Thanks to Colin Saccary and Paige for helping us unload the hay wagon and stack the bales. Thanks to Barry, Bruce and Stewart for the "supervision".

The deer are flourishing, growing enormous antlers and very relaxed. They've convinced us that they love their new home.
Many thanks from Allan and Jane
Bash, Buddy, Dandy, EGee, George, Gulliver, KoKo,
Max, Mike, Moki, Murph, Spike & Ty


Anonymous said...

hey i am looking for some info on fallow deer my friend has a few one is 10yrs old, he seems to be bloating and "foaming" at the mouth her vet ( hasnt came to see him) says to kill him but she wants to know if there is anything to do please email me

Jane McDonald said...

Thanks for your note. Sorry to hear about the ill deer. Where is he?

It is difficult to find vets who will work with these deer but sometimes good vets who work with large animals or cattle can help because there are some similarities especially in the digestive systems of both animals. Your friend may also find help from a veterinary or agricultural college nearby. We have also videotaped a deer and taken the video to a vet for opinion. We would definitely not work with a vet whose only suggestion is to euthanize an animal unless some tests or examination had taken place first.

Our vet, Dr. Brian Willows, is great and even has mobile x-ray equipment which he can bring to the reserve or farm if necessary. He is in Gananoque, Ontario and his email is

If possible it may be good to isolate the ill deer from the others in a paddock, if that doesn’t cause too much anxiety for the ill deer, and try to ration and monitor what he is eating and drinking.

Hope this helps.