Saturday, August 12, 2006

EeGee (formerly known as Scratch)

When we first began to observe the bucks regularly after the fawns and does had left our reserve, we had trouble telling two similar deer apart. Both were the same size and they were often together doing the same things. George had a noticeable spot above his right eye and the other deer had a scratch above his, hence he received the name Scratch. The mark has long since disappeared, and we have had a chance to get to know more about him. He is a very kind deer who does not bully any others ever. We think he is probably the most gentle and calm of the herd, so we decided to rename him, EG for easy-going. He takes food from hand and is starting to nudge feeders whenever he wants more than his share.

His antlers are continuing to grow. He has a odd vertical spur only on his left antler which you can barely see in the picture above which was taken in August.

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