Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Max is ready to rut

Max is our leader without doubt. Here's a picture of him taken yesterday in full rut mode...darkened face, snout and neck, thick and full neck, large Adam's apple, coarser hair on the neck and shoulder flanks. He reeks of urine, too. Every other deer in our herd moves out of his way even if he only twitches.

But so far, the bucks are behaving well. There are occasional experimental attempts to lock antlers, but generally they are in an almost trance-like state. They often stretch their heads back and open their mouths as if suffering from swollen glands or sore throats. They make low, moaning sounds, nothing loud yet.

Appetites have shrunk radically. Even George, who has never failed to eat corn to the very last kernel, took his time to come in for food yesterday and then walked away from it to lie down and rest. Only the two little ones (Moki and Spike) will eat apples and corn continously. No one is interested in carrots anymore.

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