Sunday, January 20, 2008

Open waters

Don Murphy has brought his latest invention to the Reserve as of yesterday and we are happy to report that the deer now have 24 hour access to open, ice-free water despite temperatures overnight as low as -18 degrees Centigrade.

His invention doesn't have a name yet. It's about the size of a wood stove with three stockpots which are heated by a lantern with propane. The lantern is encased a vented, insulated metal box lined with aluminum foil. The single lantern heats all three pots of water thanks to a special spider-like contraption, again invented by Don, that transports the heat from the single lamp to all three pots. Ingenious.

We are 32 hours into the onsite trial and can report that we have observed Buddy and EGee enjoying a long drink and see no signs of ice in any of the pots. Don estimates that a single propane tank should keep the low level heat for up to 7 days. We continue to crack ice in other buckets for those less-courageous deer who have yet to discover the always open water source. Hopefully they will all find it soon helped by a few apples perched next to the bowls.

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